
With different holidays always popping up out of nowhere there will always be opportunities to eat unhealthy foods and drink unhealthy drinks. Because they usually come once a year many people let their guards down and may end up going overboard. There are ways in which the holiday season can be enjoyed without gaining weight…

The key is to PLAN AHEAD!

  1. Find and prepare wholesome recipes in order to ensure that there will be options for the holiday party appetizers and main meal. Bring enough to share so that friends and loved ones can be introduced to foods that may be outside their normal dietary pattern and which they never knew were tasty!
  1. Plan key components of the meal in advance. This could include a portion of something considered indulgent or ‘outside’ the regular meal plan. This is the best way to prepare and not be taken by surprise or end up being tempted to overdo things. Taking these decisions ahead of time will make it easier to follow through with them when in the moment.
  1. Seek out salads/ raw food first. Fill up the plate with veggies/ salads before eating anything else. There will still be room for the delicious goodies but invariably less of those will be eaten.
  1. Eat a portion of protein with each meal–protein prolongs the feeling of fullness and helps to minimize blood sugar spikes that may cause a shift into fat storing mode
  1. Limit intake of alcohol and sugary drinks-perhaps one glass of wine or soda and then follow up with sparkling water?…
  1. In case things go “sideways” do not take it too harshly…that’s the surest way to spiral out of control and just ‘give up’… hey, we are all human! Just pick things back up and get back on track the following day! Character is measured not by the avoidance of falls, but the ability to rise after a fall.

To your success!